Monday, December 6, 2021

Members in the News: Staples, Malone, Schnitkey, Paulson, Liu, Roderick, Connor, Roe, Qi, Penn, Li, Hu, Penn, Lusk, Munisamy, Adjemian, & Stevens

Aaron Staples, Michigan State University
Trey Malone, Michigan State University

Regulatory restrictions are making food supply chain disruptions worse

By: The Hill - November 30, 2021

The holiday season is upon us, and supply chain disruptions have become dinner table conversation. Higher food prices abound as beef, pork and chicken prices are up 26 percent, 19 percent and 15 percent compared to pre-pandemic levels. Why the price spike? As the pandemic drags on, labor shortages and jammed up ports are a focal point of media coverage, but reports have largely overlooked the impact of cumbersome, overlapping regulatory restrictions on food supply chain disruptions.

Watch video on: The Hill

Gary Schnitkey, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Nick Paulson, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Factors expected to drive the 2022 corn market

By: Successful Farming - November 29, 2021

In a white paper that appeared first on this fall titled “2022 Planting Decisions, Nitrogen Fertilizer Prices, and Corn and Soybean Prices,” Gary Schnitkey, Krista Swanson, and Nick Paulson, Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics at the University of Illinois, wrote that budgeting prices of $4.50 per bushel for corn and $12.00 per bushel for soybeans causes soybeans to be more profitable than corn across Illinois.

Watch video on: Successful Farming

Yangxuan Liu, University of Georgia

A Year Of Good Yields And Prices

By: Cotton Farming - December 1, 2021

Every year in October and November, harvest approached across the Cotton Belt. This year was no exception, as cotton producers worked to wrap up this busy time and enjoy the payoff of their hard labor. The 2021 cotton harvest combined both good yields and good prices, which is rare for cotton producers.

Read more on: Cotton Farming

Rejesus Roderick, North Carolina State University
Lawson Connor, Louisiana State University

Study suggests crop insurance plays small role in discouraging cover crop use in Indiana

By: - December 1, 2021

Rod Rejesus, professor of agricultural and resource economics at NC State and the corresponding author of the research study, says he and coauthors wanted to understand the relationship between participation and cover crop use by farmers.

Lawson Connor of Louisiana State University and Mahmut Yasar of the University of Texas Arlington coauthored the paper, which appears in Applied Economics Perspectives and Policy.

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Brian Roe, The Ohio State University
Danyi Qi, Louisiana State University
Jerrod Penn, Louisiana State University
Ran Li, The Ohio State University

Giving ugly food a chance

By: & Mirage - December 2, 2021

Explaining the value of misshapen vegetables – that they are as healthful as their picture-perfect counterparts and buying them helps reduce food waste – could help improve sales of “ugly” produce, new research suggests.

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Wuyang Hu, The Ohio State University
Jerrod Penn, Louisiana State University

Giving shoppers a nudge to forgo plastic bags

By: - November 29, 2021

"We had seen that a few stores had used donation incentives, which still let customers use a plastic bag. It was a perfect scenario for a nudge," said Wuyang Hu, co-author of the study and a professor of agricultural, environmental and development economics at The Ohio State University.

Hu conducted the study with his former graduate student, Jerrod Penn, now an assistant professor, and Penn's current graduate student Sapana Bastola, both at Louisiana State University. The research is published in the journal Land Economics.

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Jayson Lusk, Purdue University

USDA invests in strengthening meat supply chain

By: Beef Magazine - November 24, 2021

This summer, while testifying before the House Agriculture Committee, Jayson Lusk, Purdue University professor and head of agricultural economics, shared his research showed that even if there would have been a more distributed packing sector consisting of more small and medium-sized plants instead of a small number of large plants, the price spread dynamics and beef supply disruptions would likely not have been appreciably different than what was witnessed in 2020.

Read more on: Beef Magazine

Gopinath Munisamy, University of Georgia
Michael Adjemian, University of Georgia

With uncertain supply chain, experts say shop early

By: Albany Herald - November 20, 2021

Gopinath Munisamy, Distinguished Professor of Agricultural Marketing: As a New York Times article notes, there aren’t likely to be pandemic-type stock outs, but some spots might have availability issues. The bigger issue is price inflation — the consumer price index for food is up 4.6%, and meat prices are up about 10% according to September data. So whether low-income households can afford to pay such high prices to have that family get-together in November is of concern. Goods imported and produced domestically have been affected by inflation. The port-delay story on one side, coupled with the rising price of fuel on the other side, have created huge price pressures for holiday goods and services.

Michael Adjemian, associate professor of agricultural and applied economics: Expect to pay more due to a tight labor market, transportation bottlenecks, rises in the price of raw inputs and packaging shortages — all of these impact the food supply chain, generating shortages and raising prices. Moreover, turkey production in the U.S. is down a bit (1.4%) this year compared to 2020, so it may be a little harder to find the exact-sized (or type of) bird that you are after. Inflation is observed across the economy right now, and the per-pound price of turkey (and other food) is no exception. Cranberries, too.

Read more on: Albany Herald

Andrew Stevens, University of Wisconsin

Agricultural economist tackles potential food shortage

By: The Country Today - November 29, 2021

“There’s a very real possibility that it has an impact on productivity. That’s a very real concern,” said Andrew Stevens, an agricultural economist and lecturer at UW-Madison. “If we don’t change what we do, if we just keep planting on the same dates and don’t change our crops. If we don’t adapt, certainly, there will be some pretty negative consequences.”

Read more on: The Country Today

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