Call for Abstracts
May 22-24, 2020, AtlantaThe Conference Organizing Committee (COC) is pleased to announce the call for abstracts on the theme "Global Food Security through Agricultural Transformation" for NAPA 2020, second Biennial Conference of the Association of Nepalese Agricultural Professionals of Americas. Abstract submission is open on topics related to Agricultural and Allied Sciences that advance any aspect of NAPA disciplines and ultimately help achieve the secured and sustainable supplies of food, feed, fuel, and fiber (4F) to meet the needs of the current and the next generations without compromising the opportunities of future generations. This call solicits abstracts for oral and poster presentations. Students will have opportunities for oral and poster presentation competitions. The first three of each of the student sessions will be recognized and awarded with cash prizes ($250, $150; and $100) and certificates of appreciation.
The abstract should be limited to 200 to 300 words and must be submitted using the abstract form attached with this call. Specifically, please adhere to the following format when developing and submitting the abstracts:
- Paper Title
- Author(s), Affiliation(s) and email of corresponding author
- Presenting Author
- Discipline: Select the most applicable one from the list below
- Keywords: Enter between three to five keywords
- Abstract: Include a brief introduction, objectives, methods, results/expected results, and discussion/conclusions
- Font Type and Size: Times New Roman; 12 points
- Margin: 1 inch all sides, Line Spacing: Single
Crop and Soil Science; Plant Pathology; Entomology; Natural Resources; Plant Breeding and Genetics; Viticulture and Enology; Weed Science; Animal Sciences; Comparative and Veterinary Medicine; Aquaculture; Food and Nutrition Technology; Water and Environmental Sciences; Agricultural Education, Extension; Agricultural/Bio-system Engineering and Technology; Agricultural and Resource Economics; Rural Sociology; Agricultural Statistics and Research Methods; Biomedical Sciences; Precision Farming; Food Security; Gender and Agriculture; Remittances and Agriculture; Rural Livelihoods; Sustainable Agriculture; Organic Farming; and any related disciplines.
Deadlines: The abstract must be submitted by December 31, 2019 (11:59 pm ET). Abstract can be submitted through the conference website: or by an email to and Abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Sub-Committee and the corresponding author(s) will be notified of decision via email by February 1, 2020.
Funding for the travel: A limited number of travel grants (registration waiver or gratis hotel room for three nights on a shared basis or meals for 3-day conference, or in combination) are available to support students and young professionals from developing countries.

Chair, Scientific Subcommittee
Second Biennial NAPA 2020 Conference
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