Thursday, April 2, 2015

Call for Applications: 2015 Food Distribution Research Society Scholarship Award

The Food Distribution Research Society (FDRS) is pleased to accept applications for the 2015 Undergraduate Student Research Paper Competition in the area of food distribution and marketing. Broadly defined, this area encompasses all economic functions that occur between the farm gate and final consumer. This new and exciting opportunity, sponsored by the Food Distribution Research Society, is open to all undergraduate students with scholarly interest and career aspirations in the food distribution system.

·   Cash stipend of $500 for the best Undergraduate Student Research Paper
·   Complementary student membership to FDRS
·   Complementary conference registration fees and recognition at the 2015 FDRS Annual Conference scheduled for October 9-14, 2015 in Philadelphia, PA. The recipients’ domestic travel expenses will also be paid by the society

Application Steps
  1. Submit the Statement of Intent form electronically at by April 15th, 2015. This form is available for download at: This step is optional but strongly encouraged, as it will help us plan the review process.
  2. Write the research paper using the formatting guidelines provided at by May 30th, 2015
  3. Submit the following electronically at
a. A brief synopsis of academic training, career interests, career goals and objectives, and a description of any food industry experience and/or research experience
b. Name, mailing address, phone number, and e-mail of the applicant
c. A copy of the complete research paper in Microsoft Word (*.doc, *.docx) or other compatible format

For more information please visit the FDRS website at: or contact FDRS’s Vice President for Education: Dr. Alba Collart at

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