University of Leuven
AAEA Activities:
Johan Swinnen has made exceptional contributions to the profession through research, leadership, institution building, student mentoring and impact on policy. His research extends from theory to empirics and from micro- to macroeconomics, encompassing a wide variety of topics. He has authored and edited several books and published many papers in AJAE as well as in Science, JEL, and REStat, etc. He is ranked in the very top on RePec among all economists in terms of number of publications, citations, and downloads.
He has advised numerous PhD and MSc students, many of whom have taken on positions in academia and in international organizations. His leadership and service to the profession has taken many forms: building of research and training institutions and networks, being an editor for journals, organizing conferences, as well as functions as Chair of the AAEA’s International Section and President-elect of the IAAE.
He has actively disseminated his research to policy-makers and the broader community, affecting global policy thinking—from outside and inside, as he held senior positions at the World Bank, the European Commission, the Centre for European Policy Studies, and as advisor to many governments and international organizations.
His contributions have been recognized in several awards, including the AAEA Quality of Research Discovery Award and in being elected one of the first six Fellows of the EAAE.
This post is part of an ongoing series of profiles of AAEA members. Have a suggestion for a future profile? Send them to Info@aaea.org.
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