Monday, August 12, 2024

Members in the News: August 12, 2024


Gary Schnitkey, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

U of I Crop Price Projections Becoming Increasingly Pessimistic

By: Farm week Now – August 1, 2024

“I think we’ve now entered a period of lower returns to farming just like we did in 2013 and 2014,” Gary Schnitkey, U of I soybean industry chair in ag strategy, previously told FarmWeek. “The big thing that we see right now is that just like in 2013 and 2014, cash rents are high relative to the return potential for farmland.”

Read more on: Farm week Now

Jeffrey Hadachek, University of Wisconsin-Madison

  • Why Wisconsin's Court Order Against a CAFO Farm Was So Unusual
    By: The Cap Times – July 25, 2024
  • As Investors Pay Top-Dollar For Land, Farmers Are Often Priced Out
    By: Investigate Midwest – July 24, 2024

Zachariah Rutledge, Michigan State University

  • “Federally Funded Housing For Farmworkers Disqualifies Tenants For Making Too Much Money”
    By: NPR – August 7, 2024 or IPR
  • Affordable Housing For Ag Workers is Falling Short in Fort Morgan and Beyond
    By: KUNC – August 5, 2024

Christopher McIntosh, University of Idaho

Potato Seed Research To Determine Grower Tolerance Levels Of Economically Impactful Diseases

By: Potato Grower – August 5, 2024

“Everyone assumes that commercial growers don’t care up to about 10 percent PVY, but nobody has actually measured that. We can inform these certification systems.”

Read more on: Potato Grower

Zhengfei Guan, University of Florida

Florida is Actually a Top Farming State. But That Status May Not Last

By: National Geographic – August 5, 2024

“In the United States, it’s one of the only places producing fresh fruits and vegetables in wintertime to supply the whole nation. Agriculture is often treated similarly to other products when it comes to trade policy, but it shouldn’t be. We can survive without an iPhone, but not without food. Food security is of paramount importance for a sovereign nation.”

Read more on: National Geographic

Rabail Chandio, Iowa State University

After Hitting Record Highs, Farmland Prices Expected to Drop in 2024

By: IPR – July 22, 2024

“There are two factors that will drive land values down: one is high interest rates, and the other is commodity prices. We expect crop prices to be slightly lower. We expect yields to be very high, but our demand is not there to accommodate all that great production that we’re expecting for this crop year.”

Read more on: IPR

Hernan Tejeda, University of Idaho

Idaho Dairy Producers Skeptical the Net-Zero Goal is Doable

By: Capital Press – July 18, 2024

“They realize folks committed to it at the national level, but they’re skeptical about how it’s going to be measured and if it will involve other greenhouse gases, such as nitric oxide, in addition to methane in the future. Some have taken measures to reduce their emissions and they’re skeptical they’ll be credited for that.”

Read more on: Capital Press

Scott M. Swinton, Michigan State University

"Study Shows Insecticides Linked to Wisconsin monarch Butterfly Decline"

By: WPR - August 1, 2024

"Both butterfly abundance and species declined by 8 percent between 1998 and 2014. However, monarch butterflies in particular declined over 20 percent"... "That lets us disentangle the effects of six different kinds of pesticides, two different kinds of herbicides, glyphosate — which is Roundup — and all other herbicides. What stood out in particular was the effect of neonicotinoid seed treatments, which is an insecticidal seed treatment.”

Read more on: WPR

Jada Thompson, University of Arkansas

"Farmers sue Tyson, Saying it Sacrificed Their Farms to Raise the Price of Chicken"

By: WUNC - 15, 2024

"We have a pretty young industry. So you had processing plants that were opened, you know, you think in the '70s and '80s and '90s, and now we're kind of potentially getting to the useful life of those. And the idea is, do I keep this plant, and do I renovate it, or do I go build another one?"

Read more on: WUNC

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