Monday, July 29, 2024

Members in the News July 29, 2024

Madhu Khanna, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Xinxin Fan, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Best Bioenergy Crops For Sustainable Aviation Fuels By U.S. Region, Policy Goals

By: Science Daily – July 23, 2024

“The mix of bioenergy crop feedstocks that will be produced to meet this challenge, their relative costs and carbon intensities will depend on how the goals of the policy are specified. It's a huge task to weigh all the factors that make a particular biofuels feedstock economically or environmentally viable. You have to consider all other potential uses for the land used to grow the crop, the costs of establishing a new crop, and numerous other factors like weather, soil carbon and the productivity of a given crop in a particular location."

"There's also the cost of converting different feedstocks into biofuels and the greenhouse gas emissions associated with growing and transporting them to a refinery.”

Read more on: Science Daily

Brandon McFadden, University of Arkansas

Study Shows the More You Know About GMOs, the More You Accept Them as Safe

By: Global Plant Council – July 24, 2024

“People who have heard or read a lot about gene editing generally have a favorable opinion about using it for agricultural or medical purposes. So, people who are less familiar with gene editing are likelier to think it is unsafe.”

Read more on: Global Plant Council

Scott Irwin, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Grain Prices Fall to Lowest Level Since COVID

By: DRG News – July 12, 2024

“Regardless of the fine details of crop insurance and government payments, alarm bells should be going off about the scale of potential corn and soybean losses for the 2024 crop in the Corn Belt. Right now, the losses look punishing due to the combination of rising expenses in recent years and the significant drop in corn and soybean prices. Corn losses could surpass $200 per acre, and soybean losses could easily reach $98 per acre.”

Read more on: DRG News

David Zilberman, University of California, Berkeley

Plant-Based Meat Needs Government Support to Scale Up, But a Culture War Stands in the Way

By: Salon – July 25, 2024

“It's a little bit exaggerated to compare meatless meat to EVs. For example, the employment opportunities created by EV manufacturing as one of the reasons that the two industries are different. But the sector sorely needs more support. Alternative proteins as have huge importance, especially in terms of food security, but most importantly in terms of climate change."

Read more on: Salon

Brian Whitacre, Oklahoma State University

Extension Project Introduces Telehealth Access to Rural Libraries

By: Oklahoma Farm Report – July 25, 2024

“A person can visit their local library and connect with a specialist that they might otherwise have had to wait months or drive hours to see. Now, the appointment is a short trip to the library. It’s cool to work with great community partners on this project.”

Read more on: Oklahoma Farm Report

Gary Schnitkey, University of Illinois urbana-champaign

What’s More Profitable, No-Till or Tillage?

By: No Till Farmer – July 27, 2024

One thing to note is 2021 and 2022 were profitable years. Those were the years of those high prices due to a number of factors. But the Ukraine conflict was one of those things that spiked those up. while one tillage pass often provides a slight yield advantage over no-till, additional tillage passes do not significantly increase yields and do increase costs.”

Read more on: No Till Farmer

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