Monday, June 24, 2024

Members in the News: June 24, 2024


Scott Swinton, Michigan State University
David Hennessy, Iowa State University

New ‘Detective Work’ on Butterfly Declines Reveals a Prime Suspect

By: New York Times – June 20, 2024

“It’s a story about unintended consequences,” said Scott Swinton, a professor of agricultural economics at Michigan State University and one of the study’s authors. “In developing technologies that were very effective at controlling soybean aphid and certain other agricultural pests, non-target species that we care about, butterflies in particular, have been harmed.”

Read more on: New York Times or Yahoo

Amitrajeet Batabyal, Rochester Institute of Technology

Batabyal: The Asymmetric Response of Firms to Demand and Cost Changes: a Puzzle

By: Long Island Business News – June 13, 2024

“Many firms have operations in multiple geographic locations. Data from the U.S. Census Bureau show that such geographically dispersed firms account for 70 percent of sales and payroll. Similarly, firms operating across multiple states make up 68 percent of total employment.”

Read more on: Long Island Business News

Shadi Atallah, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Organic Farmers’ Beliefs About Soil Microbiome Affect Their Practices, Study Shows

By: – June 13, 2024

"There is very little research on what farmers think about the soil microbiome and what it means for which agricultural practices they adopt. In the long run, we want to understand organic farmers' incentives to adopt microbiome-friendly practices from an economic perspective.”

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James Mintert, Purdue University

Purdue Experts Weigh in on Managing Strategic Risk

By: Hoosier Ag Today – June 13, 2024

“We’re not talking about forecasting necessarily what that strategic risk is, It’s an idea about managing your business in a way that you can weather strategic risk, and it could be a variety of different things. It’s useful to think about some of the possibilities that could happen.”

Read more on: Hoosier Ag Today

Daniel Bigelow, Oregon State University

Value of Oregon Farm Real Estate on the Rise, Triple Nationwide Increases

By: Oregon Capital Chronicle – June 14, 2024

“​​Throughout the last several decades, its (farmland) value has kind of outpaced inflation. It tends to hold its value during economic downturns, and it’s not the type of investment that you’re going to get rich quick off of but it’s a durable asset. It’s not depreciating in value.”

Read more on: Oregon Capital Chronicle

Pourya Valizadeh, Texas A&M University

Food Companies Intentionally Make Their Products Addictive, and It’s Leading to Chronic Diseases

By: Counter Punch – June 17, 2024

“Levying national taxes on unhealthy ultra-processed foods/beverages and offering targeted subsidies for minimally processed foods/beverages could promote healthier food choices among low-income households.”

Read more on: Counter Punch

Glynn Tonsor, Kansas State University

What the Price Difference Between Ham and Bacon Tell us About Inflation

By: Swineweb - June 18, 2024

“In the middle of that five-year period, we had that Mexican demand boost. The US market’s competing with Mexico for the same ham,” he added. “So the prices are going to be higher domestically. So that year-over-year decrease you see in the grocery store is really just a drop from those heights.”

Read more on: Swineweb

Joseph Balagtas, Purdue University

Customers See Meals Costs as Rising Greater Than Different Items and Companies, Discover Methods to Adapt

By: 10 News – June 18, 2024

“We additionally wished to know how perceived adjustments in meals costs examine to perceived adjustments in costs of different widespread family bills. Customers had been extra prone to report worth will increase for meals than for another good or service within the financial system.”

Read more on: 10 New

Rodney Holcomb, Oklahoma State University
Courtney Bir, Oklahoma State University

Selling Your Beef Direct-to-Consumer

By: Beef – June 19, 2024

“Facing tight margins, many producers may be considering marketing alternatives. One option that has increased in popularity since the COVID-19 pandemic is selling direct-to-consumers. When you sell directly to consumers, it’s a big change. You are no longer selling livestock (agricultural commodity), you are marketing beef (packaged food product). This may seem like a small difference but feeding out (or grazing longer) cattle for slaughter and selling beef to the end consumer adds complexities to your cow-calf or stocker operation. Plus, the end consumer may have certain expectations or preferences for the beef consumed by their family.”

Read more on: Beef

Alejandro Plastina, Iowa State University

Agricultural Finance Expert Joins University of Missouri

By: Missouri Ag Connection – June 19, 2024

“Expressing his enthusiasm for the role, Plastina highlighted his commitment to enhancing RaFF's research, extension, and educational initiatives. His vision is to position RaFF as a pivotal resource for agricultural decision-makers not only in Missouri but across the nation.”

Read more on: Missouri Ag Connection

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