Monday, October 2, 2023

Members in the News: October 2, 2023

Bradley Lubben, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Chad Hart,
Iowa State University

Congress Will Miss Its September Deadline For The Farm Bill. What Does It Matter?”

By: NPR St. Louis – September 27, 2023

“It’s not the end of the world, but you can see it from there. Even without an immediate extension of the farm bill after Saturday, several programs are permanently authorized and will remain funded, including crop insurance.”

“We would go from not spending anything at all to suddenly the rules of the old farm bills would cause a tremendous increase in spending for agriculture, at least from the commodity side. Like dairy, wheat, cotton, rice and corn would also increase in price but by less drastic margins. The federal government would be stuck footing the bill. Consumers would be left paying more too.”

Read More On: NPR St. Louis

David Ortega, Michigan State University

Defense Bill May Be Route For Limiting Foreign Farmland Ownership

By: Successful Farming – September 28, 2023

“There is no clear evidence that foreign ownership is causing U.S. farmland prices to rise. Publicly available analysis of USDA data finds no statistically significant difference in agricultural land values (cropland, pastureland, or total ag land) or rental rates for counties with foreign investment in such land and those without.”

Read More On: Successful Farming or Agri Pulse, News From the State,
South China Morning Post

Colin Carter, University of California, Davis

Food Security Threatened By Grain Disruptions

By: The Westener – September 22, 2023

“The simple answer is that Russia’s aggression in the Black Sea region increases the risk of the world grain market losing the number four corn exporter, Ukraine, and the number one wheat exporter, Russia, if grain vessels on the Black Sea become targets of drone strikes.”

Read More On: The Westener

Scott Irwin, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Do Supply and Demand Fundamentals Explain Price Movements of Agricultural Commodities?

By: Barchart – September 24, 2023

“Almost all of the price movements are driven by fundamentals. I say “almost” because there's always some short term noise from hour-to-hour, day-to-day that is probably driven by non-fundamental factors. But the evidence is pretty clear that these markets are dominated by the fundamentals, particularly once you get past very short run intervals.”

Read More On: Barchart

Brian Whitacre, Oklahoma State University

Oklahomans Encouraged to Advocate for Broadband Service Amid First Wave of ARPA Funding

By: Morning Ag Clips – September 24, 2023

“This is the first time we’ve had any state-level money to help solve this problem. Before, we were just relying on federal programs, but this is the first time we’re hopefully going to take a big step toward solving this problem.”

Read More On: Morning Ag Clips

Tina Saitone, University of California, Davis

Sorting Through California’s Wolf-Livestock Conflict Compensation Program

By: Buzz Sprout – September 18, 2023

“This episode is first time we are talking about the  Wolf-Livestock Compensation Pilot Program through the California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife. Joining Katie to have this conversation and explain what is available to ranchers through this pilot program is Dr. Ken Tate, a UC Davis Professor of Extension in Rangeland Management—who many listening may know for his research on water quality. We also have Dr. Tina Saitone,  a UC Davis Professor of Extension in Livestock and Rangeland Economics.”

Read More On: Buzz Sprout

Zach Rutledge, Michigan State University

Three Reasons Why Frozen Vegetables Are More Expensive

By: El Planeta – September 2, 2023

“Fruits and vegetables are labor-intensive to produce, as they are often picked by hand. Labor can account for a large portion of a farmer's production costs, perhaps as much as 40%.”

Read More On: El Planeta

Thomas Krumel, North Dakota State University

In Louisiana, Maryland and North Dakota, Unemployment Is at Record Lows

By: Marketplace – September 28, 2023

“The job market has been good for workers — especially for agricultural economics students. The econ student, as an example, was getting a $70,000-a-year salary on average.”

Read More On: Funds Society


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