Monday, October 23, 2023

Members in the News: October 23, 2023

Amy Hagerman, Oklahoma State University

  • Federal Budget Woes Delay New Farm Bill Progress
    By: Oklahoma Farm Report – October 13, 2023
  • Farm Bill's Fate in Limbo As Federal Budget Takes Priority
    By: – October 16, 2023

Matthew Holt, Virginia Tech

College Launches Virginia Tech Benefit and $500 Million Fundraising Effort To Help College Students With Monetary Want

By: 10 News  – October 13, 2023

“My perspective was restricted, and albeit, I used to be scared. I felt assured that I may earn the cash I wanted by working lengthy hours on the farm or in development. Despite the fact that a few years have handed, I consider that many first-generation college students in the present day face comparable issues and constraints.”

Read More On: 10 News

Zach Rutledge, Michigan State University

Labor Pressures Bearing Down on Michigan Farmers

By: The Farmer Exchange – October 13, 2023

"Agriculture is unique in terms of the broader immigration debate because immigrant workers in agriculture are not really competing with American-born workers. The conference will convene stakeholders, both national and locally, to have a conversation about not only AEWR, but what are the challenges our stakeholders are facing, and what are some of the solutions."

Read More On: The Farmer Exchange

Scott Irwin, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

EPA Wait Keeps Ethanol Industry ‘Stuck in Neutral’

By: Iowa Farmer Today – October 14, 2023

“It is tough to quantify specifics, but data is implied based on average blending rates and sales of ethanol compared to total gasoline. Ethanol usage by blend level is hard to come by. We know total ethanol usage domestically and we know total gasoline disappearance. You can divide one by the other and if it’s above 10%, that shows a growth in higher blends which we can safely attribute the vast majority of those to be E15 and not E85.”

Read More On: Iowa Farmer Today

Joseph Balagtas, Purdue University

  • Survey Says Most People Choose Brand-Name Beverages Over Generic Options
    By: 95.3 MNC - October 15, 2023 or National Hog Farmer
  • Skimpflation”, Another Form of Inflation That Goes Unnoticed By Clients And Users
    By: Nation World News – October 17, 2023

Michael Doherty, Decision Innovation Solutions

Memo To B-N Employers: Be Ready To Compete For Workers

By: WGLT – October 17, 2023

“First of all, a lot of them are still working. They’re not retiring at 62 or 65. And then even if they are, it’s pretty tough to absorb the housing costs you are seeing. The dream of retiring to Florida or Arizona falls to the reality of home prices in, say, Phoenix. To a large extent, a lot of baby boomers have been priced out of being able to move out of the area.”

Read More On: WGLT

Laura Kalambokidis, University of Minnesota

Minnesota's Budget Surplus Tops $2 Billion in Latest Estimate

By: Star Tribune – October 19, 2023

"Minnesota's economy has endured a lot and has emerged in a good financial situation. What's more, budget forecasts might be moving away from the wild swings experienced during the pandemic. We've seen enough of these negative shocks to know that there are still more risks on the horizon — issues in Washington, oil prices, continued geopolitical conflict. All that said, given the extreme swings of the last few years, it feels like we're in a more normal level of uncertainty."

Read More On: Star Tribune

Brady Brewer, Purdue University

Dairy Signal: Cost Management, Detection of Calf Illness and Barn Ventilation

By: Morning Ag Clips – October 16, 2023

“This week’s episodes of The Dairy Signal from Professional Dairy Producers (PDPW) will focus on key topics for keeping business and animals healthy. The Tuesday episode will feature strategies for managing costs and Wednesday we’ll discuss tips on detecting illness in calves. Thursday’s episode will help listeners prepare their barn ventilation as winter approaches.”

Read More On: Morning Ag Clips

Thomas Hertel, Purdue University

Research Finds Water Quality in Gulf of Mexico Improves When Adding Social Costs to Carbon Emissions

By: Science Daily – October 17, 2023

“Implementing a carbon price that reflects its social cost allows the U.S. to meet its commitment to the Paris Accord while significantly improving water quality. Our models showed that with this range of climate policies, U.S. carbon emissions could decline by 29% to 50%, depending on the stringency of the carbon pricing. This represents 4.6% to 8% of global carbon emissions and satisfies the range of reductions outlined in the Paris Accord."

Read More On: Science Daily or News Concerns

Randall Fortenbery, Washington State University
Patrick Westhoff, University of Missouri
Chad Hart, Iowa State University

The Attack on Ukraine Hasn’t Sparked a Food Crisis As Feared

By: The Messenger - October 17, 2023

“If something significant happened, like a ship was sunk or a port was destroyed, prices would respond pretty aggressively.”

"Russia had a fantastic crop last year, but with concerns about Western sanctions they might not be able to move a lot of that wheat" out of the country.”

“Even a big movement in farm prices tends to translate into a much smaller move at the grocery store. The big thing that I would be concerned about is if it got to a point where Russia is not exporting wheat.”

Read More On: The Messenger

Colin Carter, University of California, Davis

Listed Weather Derivatives Grow in Popularity But Have Limitations

By: Investopeida – October 18, 2023

“Several factors work against greater interest in the CME's weather derivative offerings, which began trading in 1999. Perhaps the biggest: competition from privately traded, customized products, many designed by reinsurers and other insurance industry participants. Such products account for a bulk of the U.S. weather derivatives market. Weather 'insurance' products have a long history of trading over-the-counter. This includes both swaps and outright insurance-type products. Many commercial firms have used this approach to manage weather risk."

Read More On: Investopeida

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