Monday, July 10, 2023

Members in the News: July 10, 2023


Amit Batabyal, Rochester Institute of Technology

Chad Hart, Iowa State University

  • The Cost of Growth: Fertilizer Companies Cash in While Farmers and Communities Struggle
    By: Investigate Midwest – June 26, 2023
  • Grain Storage Costs Have Soared, Putting Midwestern Elevators and Co-Ops In a Tough Spot
    By: HPPR - July 5, 2023

Roderick Rejesus, North Carolina State University

Farm Bill Renewal Raises Questions For WNC Farmers

By: Mountain Express – June 29, 2023

“Western North Carolina’s mountainous terrain, however, favors smaller farms producing a diverse mix of crops; Asheville in particular has a culture of new growers forging direct-to-consumer relationships through farmers markets and community supported agriculture. This has been a perennial issue over the years, that these smaller farmers and beginning farmers are typically considered underserved in the farm bill.”

Read More On: Mountain Express

Courtney Bir, Oklahoma State University

Courtney Bir Talks Beekeeping, Hive Management and More

By: Oklahoma Farm Report – July 5, 2023

“I’ve actually had multiple issues that have come up over the past three years that I’ve been doing this, so it just allows me to talk to beekeepers, and talk about the challenges that I’ve had, and kind of commiserate with them a little bit. Doing all the homework, participating in these clubs, going to some workshops, taking some courses, finding a mentor- those are all great things to do before you even begin thinking about getting bees”

Read More On: Oklahoma Farm Report

Margaret Jodlowski, The Ohio State University

Immigrants Leaving Florida in Fear': New Immigration Law Sparks Exodus Of Workers

By: MSNBC – June 30, 2023

“The implementation of a new immigration bill in Florida has prompted a significant exodus of migrant workers, causing a major impact on the state's workforce. Morning Joe reporter Daniela Pierre Bravo investigates the effects of the bill on the agriculture industry, highlighting the fear and uncertainty among immigrant workers. The consequences of this exodus could extend beyond individual cases, potentially leading to larger economic and labor concerns for the state.” (Seen at 2:40)

Read More On: MSNBC

Brian Roe, The Ohio State University

How Do You Decide When To Throw Away Milk?

By: IFL Science – July 3, 2023

“The milk was intentionally made to smell a bit sour, and it didn’t really fundamentally change the fact that people really focus on the date. But we were a bit surprised that over half of the viewing sessions featured no attention on the phrase whatsoever. The date is more salient – you have to reference it against the calendar. It’s more actionable than the phrase is.”

Read More On: IFL Science or Lab Manager

Michael Brady, Washington State University

Survival and Growth of Organic Farms Over the Long-run in the U.S.”

By: Seed Daily – June 29, 2023

“We had two main findings. First, organic farms have the highest exit rates in the first couple years after becoming certified organic producers. Second, large organic farms are more sensitive, in terms of exit and growth, to organic market conditions than small organic farms."

Read More On: Seed Daily

Ryan Loy, University of Arkansas
John Anderson, University of Arkansas

Helping Farmers Understand Their Finances

By: The Daily Citizen – July 4, 2023

“People see these huge combines and nice big, green tractors and they think everyone is making money, but that’s not the case,” Loy said. “It’s not easy to farm. It’s not easy to get that produce from the field to your store. It’s not an easy task. I realized that’s what I wanted to do – to be helpful to the producers.”

“We are thrilled to have Ryan joining the AEAB team as our newest extension faculty member. It is really difficult to find a well-trained economist who also has real-life experience in the world of farm financial management, but that is what we have in Ryan.”

Read More On: The Daily Citizen

Daniel Sumner, University of California, Davis

Notice Less Sriracha? Shortage Causes Price Spike, Including In Sacramento Stores

By: KCRA – July 5, 2023

“As long as people are willing to pay big bucks for the product, the price won't be coming down soon — at least until production picks up again. If you follow agricultural things, you know there are droughts and there are floods and there are pests and diseases. That's what farming is all about, and shortages mean higher prices."

Read More On: KCRA

Matin Qaim, University of Bonn

GM Food: EU Rethinks Rules on Genetically Modified Crops

By: Times of Oman – June 5, 2023

"These are small genetic changes that could in principle also be caused by natural mutations. These plants are just as safe as conventionally grown ones."

Read More On: Times of Oman

 Know another AAEA Member who has made statewide, national, or international news? Send a link of the article to Austin Sparbel at

What research and topics are you working on? Want to be an expert source for journalists working on a story? Contact Allison Ware at

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