Monday, November 16, 2020

Members in the News: Tonsor, Ifft, Briggeman, Glauber, Batabyal, Malone, Bresciani, Narayanan, Kishore, Mandal, Martel, Swinnen, Gundersen.. et al.

Glynn Tonsor, Kansas State University
Jennifer Ifft, Kansas State University

Brian Briggeman, Kansas State University

  • Will Mothballed Food Service Demand Overshadow Strong Livestock Exports?
    By: AgWeb - November 6, 2020
  • U.S. Farm Report 11/07/20 Video
    By: AgWeb - November 7, 2020

Joseph Glauber, IFPRI

  • Trump admin claims successes in China ‘phase one’ pact
    By: Agri-Pulse - October 23, 2020
  • Joseph Glauber discusses agriculture trade
    By: CGTN via YouTube - October 29, 2020
  • Adams on Agriculture
    By: PodBean - October 29, 2020

Amitrajeet Batabyal, Rochester Institute of Technology

Why Were the Pollsters Wrong Again in 2020?

By: The Globe Post - November 12, 2020

We all know that the pollsters got it wrong when they forecast a Hillary Clinton victory over Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election. In fact, their error was not trivial, and hence, post-2016, many in the polling industry appear to have done a lot of soul-searching and studying to ensure that a mistake of this magnitude is not repeated.

Read more on: The Globe Post

Trey Malone, Michigan State University

Farmers navigate shifting supply and demand equation

By: MiBiz - November 8, 2020

MSU Assistant Professor Trey Malone, who helped prepare the final report, admitted that “any crystal ball will be flawed.” But immediate effects of the pandemic show significant losses in output, which were primarily offset by federal financial relief.

Read more on: MiBiz

Fabrizio Bresciani, International Fund for Agricultural Development
Sudha Narayanan, Indira Gandhi Institute for Development Research
Avinash Kishore, IFPRI

Session 3: Regional Perspectives.

By: Foresight4Food - October 28, 2020

On October 21 and 22, the SDSN, Foresight4Food, IFAD, and APRA co-hosted the third in a series of eDialogues on the future of small-scale farming. The session explored and compared the dynamics of small-scale agriculture and food system change across Asia, Latin America, Africa and OECD country. The perspectives of small-scale farming in each individual region was discussed in a panel discussion. Afterwards, in a synthesis session panellists from each region reflected on the regional sessions and explored if and how the regions can learn from each other.

Read more on: Foresight4Food

Bidisha Mandal, Washington State University

ACA results in fewer low-income uninsured, but non-urgent ER visits haven't changed

By: Newswise,, Med India, Health News Digest, Scienmag, & Medical Xpress - November 6, 2020

"I was surprised to see that low-income rural residents actually had more insurance gains than urban residents," Mandal said. "But providers just don't have enough incentive to accept new Medicaid patients."

Read more on: NewswiseSciencenewsnet.inMed IndiaHealth News DigestScienmagMedical Xpress

Pedro Martel, Inter-American Development Bank
Johan Swinnen, IFPRI

The pandemic opens the opportunity to rebuild

By: Mexico Nueva Era & El Pais - November 4, 2020

"Technology and innovation and digitization will be key for the future, not only to face COVID19, but to boost employment, which has been demolished by the pandemic in the region," said Pedro Martel, chief of the Environment Division, Rural Development and Disaster Risk Management of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). 

“Healthy diets are not within the reach of 3 billion people globally. But we have seen a lot of creativity and innovation during the pandemic. The political environment has changed. Changes have been made that were previously unthinkable. We can use the crisis to move towards a world with more inclusive, sustainable and healthy food systems for all, ”said Johan Swinnen, Director General of the International Food Policy Research Institute (IPFRI).   

Read more on: Mexico Nueva Era & El Pais

Johan Swinnen, IFPRI

How the Coronavirus is Exacerbating Global Inequality, Hunger

By: The Market Oracle - October 26, 2020

There is no shortage of food globally, or mass starvation from the pandemic — yet. But logistical problems in planting, harvesting and transporting food will leave poor countries exposed in the coming months, especially those reliant on imports, said Johan Swinnen, director general of the International Food Policy Research Institute in Washington.

Read more on: The Market Oracle

Craig Gundersen, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Some U.S. State Hit Harder by COVID-19 Food Insecurity

By: Illinois Ag Connection - November 11, 2020

Experts project over 50 million Americans will be food insecure in 2020, including about 17 million children, says Craig Gundersen, ACES distinguished professor in the Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics at the University of Illinois.

Read more on: Illinois Ag Connection

Keith Coble, Mississippi State University
William Lazarus, University of Minnesota
Katelyn McCullock, Livestock Marketing Information Center
Marvin Miller, Ball Horticultural Company
Mykel Taylor, Kansas State University

  • USDA Advisory Committee on Agriculture Statistics Appointed
    By: Missouri Ag Connection - November 11, 2020
  • Woman from South Dakota among those appointed to USDA Advisory Committee on Agriculture Statistics
    By: DRG News - November 11, 2020

Benjamin Brown, The Ohio State University

OSU Agricultural Policy and Outlook Conference this week

By: Ohio's Country Journal & The Delphos Herald - November 9, 2020

Those payments will make up 32% of this year’s net cash income from all U.S. farms—more than double the portion those payments typically account for, said Ben Brown, an assistant professor of agricultural risk management at the The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES). 

Read more on: Ohio's Country Journal & The Delphos Herald

Ani Katchova, The Ohio State University
Cortney Cowley, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City

Ohio State Agricultural Policy and Outlook Conference – Day One Recap

By: Ohio's Country Journal - November 10, 2020

“U.S. net farm income and net cash income are forecast to increase for 2020, which is a fourth consecutive year,” said Katchova. “This growth in farm income is mainly driven by higher government payments, while livestock receipts are expected to be lower as we close out 2020.”

“In contrast to the broader economy, U.S. agriculture had been in a prolonged downturn, even before the pandemic,” said Cowley. “Economic conditions in agriculture have improved since April, thanks to government programs and the recent higher commodity prices.”

Read more on: Ohio's Country Journal

Brent Sohngen, The Ohio State University
Margret Jodlowski, The Ohio State University

Ohio State Agricultural Policy and Outlook Conference – Day Two recap

By: Ohio's Country Journal - November 11, 2020

“A growing number of companies have Carbon Neutral goals,” said Sohngen. “Two thirds of the worlds economy want to be carbon neutral by 2050.”

Declining off-farm opportunities increases debt load for the farm operation and household. “It is unclear if this debt indicates growth or financial stress,” said Jodlowski. “Farm operator versus spouse’s income appears to be treated differently.”

Read more on: Ohio's Country Journal

John Anderson, University of Arkansas

Economist looks at jobless rate

By: Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette & Arkansas Democrat Gazette - November 9, 2020

"September's national unemployment rate was 7.9%, and expectations were for a further decline of just a couple of tenths of a percent going into October," John Anderson said in a news release. "The unemployment rate actually declined by a full percentage point in October and now stands at 6.9%."

Read more on: Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette & Arkansas Democrat Gazette

Dawn Thilmany, Colorado State University

Demand for smaller turkeys expected to increase this year

By: 9NEWS - November 11, 2020

Dawn Thilmany, co-director of Colorado State University's (CSU) Regional Economic Institute, said indeed, holiday dinners will more than likely shrink. "I think you're going to see a lot more just plain breast out for people to buy, or turkey parts," said Thilmany.

Read more on: 9NEWS

See other Member in the News items

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