Monday, November 9, 2020

Members in the News: Orden, Zhang, Gray, Schulz, Malone, Lusk, Hart, Brown, Burdine, Mintert, Deller, Lubben, Dennis, Hayes, Orazem, McFadden.. et al.

David Orden, Virginia Tech

China fills grain quotas as the US weighs WTO compliance

By: Agri-Pulse - November 4, 2020

If China’s state-owned enterprises use all their quota allocations, that makes it difficult to know if they would have reallocated any unused quota as they are promising they would do because of the WTO ruling, says David Orden, a professor at Virginia Tech's Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics. “China actually needs the grain, so Cofco isn’t conflicted about whether to import the grain or not,” says Orden. “At face value, the U.S. won the WTO case and the TRQs are going to be filled. But it’s muddied by the fact that China’s grain supply has changed to where there’s more need for the grain within their domestic market.”

Read more on: Agri-Pulse

Wendong Zhang, Iowa State University

  • Most US farmers remain loyal to Trump despite pain from trade wars and COVID-19
    By: The Conversation - October 19, 2020
  • The USDA Has Poured Money Into Farm Country, But Will it Be Enough to Help Re-Elect Trump?
    By: Modern Farmer - November 2, 2020
  • False Profits: Why Farmers Despise Socialism But Depend on Taxpayers Funded Government Handouts
    By: Milwaukee Independent - November 1, 2020

Allan Gray, Purdue University

7 do’s and don’ts of input buying

By: Farm Futures - November 2, 2020

Allan Gray, ag economist at Purdue University, says data-driven farmers are setting themselves up for the best chance of success on an annual basis in this era of razor-thin margins.

Read more on: Farm Futures

Lee Schulz, Iowa State University

The state of the workforce 2020: covid-19 catalyzes a reckoning

By: The National Provisioner - October 16, 2020

“There wasn’t a deep reserve pool to pull workers from to begin with, and COVID-19 exacerbated the problem,” says Lee Schulz, Ph.D and associate professor in Department of Economics at Iowa State University, in Ames. “Meatpacking is also a highly skilled job, so even though there is now a higher unemployment rate — about 10 percent — and about three people looking per job, even if plants attract workers they still can’t start on Day One.”

Read more on: The National Provisioner

Trey Malone, Michigan State University

Texas restaurants are just trying make it through this

By: Market Place - October 29, 2020

Trey Malone, professor of agricultural, food and resource economics at Michigan State University, said a comprehensive federal relief package for restaurants is tough because the industry is so diverse and region-specific.

Read more on: Market Place

Jayson Lusk, Purdue University

Food Issues That Should've Been Front and Center in the 2020 Presidential Election

By: Reason - October 31, 2020

Jayson Lusk, Distinguished Professor & Head of the Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University: The COVID-19 related disruptions to our food supply chain revealed there were a number of barriers preventing food from freely flowing from areas of low demand (restaurants) to areas of high demand (grocery stores).

Read more on: Reason

Chad Hart, Iowa State University

Trump’s False Claims About Dairy Farms

By: - October 30, 2020

A consolidation trend — of fewer but bigger dairy farms — has been happening “for quite some time now,” Chad Hart, a professor of economics and crop markets specialist at Iowa State University, told us in a phone interview. A decline in the number of producers continued under the Trump administration, he said. 

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Benjamin Brown, The Ohio State University
Kenneth Burdine, University of Kentucky

Three Part Webinar Series to Help Ohio Dairy Producers Mitigate Price Risk

By: eDairyNews - November 2, 2020

Ben Brown, Assistant Professor of Agricultural Risk Management in the Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics said “2020 is a year like one we have never seen for markets and policy,” adding “it was difficult giving farm management advice to producers because conditions and policy were changing at a pace that seemed like hourly.”

Concluding the series is the overview of risk management tools including DMC, futures and options, Livestock Gross Margin Coverage, and Dairy Revenue Protection. OSU Extension Educators Chris Zoller from Tuscarawas County and Jason Hartshuh from Crawford County will be joined by Kenny Burdine, Livestock Extension Economist at the University of Kentucky, for the final session on Nov. 24.

Read more on: eDairyNews

James Mintert, Purdue University

Purdue University/CME Group Ag Economy Barometer Rises To Record High on Improving Financial Conditions

By: Mondo Vision - November 3, 2020

"Since bottoming out this summer, the ag economy has rebounded sharply and the dramatic improvement in sentiment reflects the turnaround in the farm income picture," said James Mintert, the barometer's principal investigator and director of Purdue University's Center for Commercial Agriculture.

Read more on: Mondo Vision

Steven Deller, University of Wisconsin

  • Where Can Out-Of-Work Wisconsinites Find Jobs?
    By: Wisconsin Public Radio - November 3, 2020
  • President Trump says Wisconsin would lose 300,000 jobs if fracking is banned. That's implausible, experts say.
    By: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel - November 2, 2020

Bradley Lubben, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Elliott Dennis, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Nebraska Extension hosting livestock risk management webinar

By: NTV abc - November 3, 2020

The overview will be moderated by the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s Brad Lubben, extension associate professor of agricultural economics and director of the North Central Extension Risk Management Education Center.

Nebraska Extension said panelists are Elliott Dennis, livestock marketing specialist at Nebraska, and Brandon Willis, a former USDA Risk Management Agency administrator who is now with Ranchers Insurance in Utah.

Read more on: NTV abc

Dermot Hayes, Iowa State University

Sales Overseas Boost US Pork, Helping Defray 2020’s Challenges

By: Iowa Public Radio - October 30, 2020

Those markets can add more than $7 per head to the total price a farmer gets for a pig, said Dermot Hayes, an agricultural economist at Iowa State University. That’s because they complement the domestic consumers’ needs.

Read more on: Iowa Public Radio

Peter Orazem, Iowa State University

Which small towns attract start-ups and why

By: Morning Ag Clips - November 2, 2020

Peter Orazem, University Professor of Economics at Iowa State, said, “Since 2000, the only areas that consistently added new firms and increased employment were metropolitan areas. In contrast, the communities losing the most employees and entrepreneurs were towns under 10,000 population. But some of these small towns bucked the trend and were able to continue to attract new firm entry and employment.”

Read more on: Morning Ag Clips

Brandon McFadden, Delaware State University

COVID-19 putting damper on Halloween spirit, UD survey says

By: WDEL - October 29, 2020

"In a normal year, it looks like half of our households pass out candy; it looks like this year, only about a quarter of households are planning to pass out candy," said Brandon McFadden, an assistant professor in UD's Department of Applied Economics and Statistics and co-author of the national study.

Read more on: WDEL

Ani Katchova, The Ohio State University
Cortney Cowley, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
Brent Sohngen, The Ohio State University
Margaret Jodlowski, Cornell University

Sign up for Ag Policy and Outlook Conference webinars

By: Wilmington News Journal - October 30, 2020

The conference will be a series of two-hour online webinars Nov. 9, 10, 12 and 13 hosted by the Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics in CFAES.

Read more on: Wilmington News Journal

Joyce Chen, The Ohio State University

The On-going Gender Pay Gaps in Academia Faculty: Evidents from OSU

By: Daily Times Leader, Morning News, The Evening Leader, Black Radio Network, Mammoth Times, Borger News-Herald, The Inyo Register, NewsOK, The Saline Courier, The Post & Mail, The Pilot News, The Antlers American, My Mother Lode, Ridgway Record, The Observer News Online, Starkville Daily News, Decatur Daily Democrat, The Kane Republican, The Community Post, The Sweetwater Reporter, The Punxsutawney Spirit, International Association of Business Communicators, One News Page, News Blaze, AXcess News, Magazines Today, The Next Wave Group, Fox 21 Delmarva, WICZ, & WFMJ - November 2, 2020

In the article "Gender Gaps in Academia: Evidence from The Ohio State University" published in the American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Joyce Chen from The Ohio State University, and Daniel Crown of the US Congressional Budget Office (formerly of The Ohio State University where he studied when he did the research) dig deeper into faculty gender wage differences.

Read more on: Daily Times LeaderMorning News, The Evening Leader, Black Radio Network, Mammoth TimesBorger News-Herald, The Inyo Register, NewsOK, The Saline Courier, The Post & Mail, The Pilot News, The Antlers American, My Mother Lode, Ridgway Record, The Observer News Online, Starkville Daily News, Decatur Daily Democrat, The Kane Republican, The Community Post, The Sweetwater Reporter, The Punxsutawney Spirit, International Association of Business Communicators, One News Page, News Blaze, AXcess News, Magazines Today, The Next Wave Group, Fox 21 Delmarva, WICZ, & WFMJ

Agricultural & Applied Economics Association

Sean Goodnight Shares the Importance of Mineral Rights for Rural Residents and Landowners

By: Fox 21 Delmarva, Fox 21 Delmarva, Daily Herald, WICZ, WBOC, Crowdfunding News Today, Oil & Gas Industry Today, & Finance Industry Today - October 29, 2020

Studies have shown that counties with oil and gas production typically see increased deposit growth at their local banking institutions. Agricultural & Applied Economics Association found that deposit growth was as high as 8.2% over ten years, with deposits stemming from royalty and premium payments.

Read more on: Fox 21 Delmarva, Daily Herald, WICZ, WBOC, Crowdfunding NewsToday, Oil & Gas Industry Today, & Finance Industry Today

See other Member in the News items

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*Disclaimer - This email is to acknowledge citations of current AAEA members and/or their research in any public media channel. AAEA does not agree nor disagree with the views or attitudes of cited outside publications.

Read more on: Fox 21 Delmarva, et al. 

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