Monday, November 2, 2020

Members in the News: Irwin, Hart, Chen, Zhang, Wilcox, Lusk, Velandia, Brown, McFadden, Malone Agricultural & Applied Economics.. et al.

Scott Irwin, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Chad Hart, Iowa State University

How Ag Giant John Deere Has Plowed Through The Pandemic

By: Forbes - October 26, 2020

“That’s probably the number one reason that John Deere machinery sales were doing reasonably well through the summer — government payments,” said Irwin, the University of Illinois professor. 

“When Covid first hit we saw some dramatic price declines,” said Chad Hart, the Iowa State University professor. But now, Hart said: “Prices have basically recovered to pre-Covid levels at a time when usually this time of year we tend to have our lowest prices” because early autumn harvests flood markets with supply. 

Read more on: Forbes

Joyce Chen, The Ohio State University

  • Princeton agrees to pay over $1 million to female professors after federal review finds pay gaps
    By: CNBC - October 14, 2020
  • Even The Most Successful Women Pay A Big Price In Pandemic
    By: NPR - October 20, 2020

Wendong Zhang, Iowa State University

  • Bailouts Not Enough to Keep Ginseng Farmers in Wisconsin Afloat
    By: Civil Eats - October 21, 2020
  • Donald Trump tipped to win farmers' vote in US presidential election, despite China trade war
    By: ABC News - October 29, 2020
  • Most US farmers remain loyal to Trump despite pain from trade wars and COVID-19
    By: The Highland County Press - October 22, 2020

Michael Wilcox, Purdue University

Indiana Grown surveys members on economic impact of program

By: AgriNews - October 28, 2020

Michael Wilcox, assistant director and program leader for Purdue Extension’s Community Development Program and community and regional economics specialist in the Department of Agricultural Economics, will oversee the research portion of the study and is excited to begin gathering data.

Read more on: AgriNews

Jayson Lusk, Purdue University

Taking the pulse of consumers: A conversation with Jayson Lusk

By: Feedstuffs - October 2020

In this episode we talk with one of the foremost academic experts on consumer trends and preferences in the meat space, and hear about his research into what meat buyers are thinking about heading into the final months of 2020.

Read more on: Feedstuffs

Margarita Velandia, University of Tennessee

Nursery automation focus of new effort led by UTIA

By: - October 22, 2020

Margarita Velandia, professor, and Alicia Rihn, assistant professor, both from the UT Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, recently joined the LEAP Team and will provide critical production and consumer economics expertise.

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    Benjamin Brown, The Ohio State University

    Brandon McFadden, University of Delaware
    Trey Malone, Michigan State University
    Agricultural & Applied Economics Association
    Choices Magazine

    UD study finds Halloween spirit (and spending) is down in 2020

    By: Delaware - October 28, 2020

    That’s according to a recent University of Delaware study, led by Brandon McFadden, an assistant professor at UD’s College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and Nora Messer, a student at the Charter School of Wilmington, along with Trey Malone, an assistant professor at Michigan Sate University, and Kabir Advani, a student at the Palo Alto High School in California.

    Read more on: Delaware

    Dermot Hayes, Iowa State University

    Webinar: How Pork Exports Can Save Your Bacon

    By: Michigan Ag Connection - October 26, 2020

    Featured speakers include:
    Dr. Dermot Hayes, Iowa State University, is the Charles F. Curtiss Distinguished Professor in Agriculture and Life Sciences in the Department of Economics and Professor and Pioneer Hi-Bred International Chair in Agribusiness in the Ivy School of Business.

    Read more on: Michigan Ag Connection

    Courtney Bir, Oklahoma State University

    Oklahoma State Extension offers assistance with farm financial plans

    By: High Plains Journal - October 22, 2020

    “For this pilot program, we are working to recruit farmers and ranchers and help them complete beginning balance sheets,” said Courtney Bir, OSU Extension agricultural economist. “If we demonstrate there is enough interest, we then can complete full financial plans and contribute to FINBIN, which should be very useful to Oklahoma producers.”

    Read more on: High Plains Journal

    Jane Kolodinsky, University of Vermont

    Combatting Food Insecurity in Vermont and The Peace Corps.

    By: WDEV Radio - October 22, 2020

    Sue Minter of Capstone Community Action and Brittany Sperber of the Skinny Pancake restaurant group talk about a new program to help both people in need of food and Vermont restaurants hurt by the pandemic. Later, Vermont’s and the University of Vermont’s outsize role in the Peace Corps is the topic, with guests Travis Reynolds, Jane Kolodisky and Mary Bilecki joining Dave to talk about it.

    Read more on: WDEV Radio

    Craig Gundersen, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

    Advocates looking at longer term solutions as food insecurity grows during pandemic

    By: The San Diego Union-Tribune - October 25, 2020

    Craig Gundersen: There are a wide number of factors that contribute to food insecurity in the United States. For example, low income, unemployment, food prices in an area; there’s a wide array of different determinants. 

    Read more on: The San Diego Union-Tribune

    Dawn Thilmany, Colorado State University

    Small freezers in short supply

    By: 9NEWS - October 21, 2020

    "It's not surprising, because freezers are something people don't buy with a lot of frequency," said Professor Dawn Thilmany, co-director of the Colorado State University's (CSU) Regional Economic Development Institute. "When all of sudden there's a surge like this, it's not like food or masks when we can start creating new ones in four weeks."

    Read more on: 9NEWS

    Jisang Yu, Kansas State University

    Rising temperatures will disproportionately affect Kansas farmers

    By: The Wichita Eagle - October 23, 2020

    “Kansas is having a relatively larger increase in crop risk as a response to a one-degree Celsius warming, compared to the other parts of the country,” said Jisang Yu, assistant professor of agriculture economics at K-State.

    Read more on: The Wichita Eagle

    Agricultural & Applied Economics Associations
    Choices Magazine

    Family deciding whether or not to skip trick-or-treating this Halloween due to COVID-19

    By: 6 abc Action News - October 25, 2020

    Another study, published in "Choices," a publication of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, depicts a similar picture, saying only 59% of households are likely to allow their children to trick-or-treat this year.

    Read more on: 6 abc Action News

    Lauren Chenarides, Arizona State University
    Alessandro Bonanno, Colorado State University

    How Many Stores Does it Take to Make Healthy Purchases Easier?

    By: The Telegraph, The Middletown Press, Morning News, The Punxsutawney Spirit, Mammoth Times, Buffalo News, Decatur Daily Democrat, The Kane Republican, Sweet Water Reporter, Chronicle Journal, The Antlers American, News OK, The Saline Courier, The Community Post, The Post & Mail, The Inyo Register, Starkville Daily News, The Pilot News, Ridgway Record, The Observer News Online, My Mother Lode, Seed Daily, Axcess News, Business Class News, Next Wave Group, Green Kontractor, News Blaze, Benzinga, Fox 21 Delmarva, & Winslow, Evans, & Crocker Inc. - October 28, 2020

    In the new article “If You Build Them… Will it Matter? Food Stores' Presence and Perceived Barriers to Purchasing Healthy Foods in the Northeastern U.S.” published in the Applied Economics Perspectives & Policy, Lauren Chenarides from Arizona State University, Alessandro Bonanno from Colorado State University and Anne Palmer from Johns Hopkins examine how objective measures of food access (number of stores) affect consumers’ perceived constraints in acquiring healthy foods.

    Read more on: The TelegraphThe Middletown Press, Morning News, ThePunxsutawney Spirit, Mammoth Times, Buffalo News, Decatur Daily Democrat, TheKane Republican, Sweet Water Reporter, Chronicle Journal, The Antlers American, News OK, The Saline Courier, The Community Post, The Post & Mail, The InyoRegister, Starkville Daily News, The Pilot News, Ridgway Record, The ObserverNews Online, My Mother Lode, Seed Daily, Axcess News, Business Class News, NextWave Group, Green Kontractor, News Blaze, Benzinga, Fox 21 Delmarva, & Winslow, Evans, & Crocker Inc.

    Jeffrey Luckstead, Washington State University
    Rodolfo Nayga, University of Arkansas

    Has Media Saturation on COVID-19 Changed Labor and Food Supply Chain?

    By: The Kane Republican, Morning News, The Observer News Online, The Community Post, Chronicle Journal, NewsOK, The Pilot News, My Mother Lode, The Post & Mail, Mammoth Times, The Saline Courier, Starkville Daily News, Ridgway Record, The Sweetwater Reporter, Axcess News, Next Wave Group, Magazines Today, Business Class News, News Blaze, Benzinga, The Punxsutawney Spirit, WICZ, The Antlers American, Decatur Daily Democrat, Daily Times Leader, Fox 21 Delmarva, & WBOC - October 27, 2020

    In the new article "Labor Issues in the Food Supply Chain Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic" published in the Applied Economic Perspectives & Policy, Jeffrey Luckstead from Washington State University, Rodolf Nayga and Heather Price from the University of Arkansas, survey low-skilled domestic workers to understand their attitudes, before and during the pandemic, toward food production, guest workers, immigration policy, and the government's response to COVID-19.

    Read more on: The Kane RepublicanMorning News, The Observer News OnlineThe Community Post, Chronicle Journal, NewsOK, The Pilot News, MyMother Lode, The Post & Mail, Mammoth Times, The Saline Courier, StarkvilleDaily News, Ridgway Record, The Sweetwater Reporter, Axcess News, Next Wave Group, Magazines Today, Business Class News, News Blaze, Benzinga, ThePunxsutawney Spirit, WICZ, The Antlers American, Decatur Daily Democrat, DailyTimes Leader, Fox 21 Delmarva, & WBOC

    American Journal of Agricultural Economics

    What can Households Practice Everyday to Reduce Food Waste?

    By: The Middletown Press, The Sweetwater Reporter, Morning News, NewsOK, Next Wave Group, Axcess News, The Saline Courier, My Mother Lode, The Pilot News, The Antlers American, Starkville Daily News, Ridgway Record, The Punxsutawney Spirit, Daily Times Leader, & Benzinga - October 26, 2020

    In the new article “Household Food Waste and Inefficiencies in Food Production” in the American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Travis Smith and Craig Landry from the University of Georgia explore why some households waste more food than others.

    Read more on: The Middletown PressTheSweetwater Reporter, Morning News, NewsOK, Next Wave Group, Axcess News, TheSaline Courier, My Mother Lode, The Pilot News, The Antlers American, StarkvilleDaily News, Ridgway Record, The Punxsutawney Spirit, Daily Times Leader& Benzinga

    See other Member in the News items

    Know another AAEA Member who has made statewide, national, or international news? Send a link of the article to Jessica Weister at

    What research and topics are you working on? Want to be an expert source for journalists working on a story? Contact Allison Ware at

    *Disclaimer - This email is to acknowledge citations of current AAEA members and/or their research in any public media channel. AAEA does not agree nor disagree with the views or attitudes of cited outside publications.

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