Call for Papers
Recent years have witnessed a significant increase in the decline and fall of natural resources (e.g., water, energy, forestry, minerals, fisheries) institutions, in the US and globally, due to the corrosive impact of institutional entropy. The purpose of this special issue is to examine in detail the causes and consequences of institutional entropy and also suggest possible corrective measures.Gopalakrishnan (2005) defines institutional entropy as “the progressive decrease in effectiveness and efficiency (of the institutions) in performing the goals and objectives as originally envisioned and set-forth.” He goes on to point out that the intrusion of entropy “causes disarray in the inner workings of the affected institutions and, thus, renders them diminished in their ability to perform at peak efficiency.”
Entropy, slowly but surely, penetrates, corrodes, and compromises the efficiency and effectiveness of institutions and renders them dysfunctional, over a period of time. Gopalakrishnan, in his research-in-progress (2018-), has identified the key elements of institutional efficiency and effectiveness. These include: 1) institutional resilience or adaptability, 2) institutional robustness or diminished vulnerability, 3) institutional autonomy, 4) institutional relevance, 5) institutional accountability, 6) institutional risk-taking, and 7) institutional innovation.

The objective of this special issue is to shed light on the process and progression of institutional entropy. We are seeking original contributions that will clarify and illuminate all aspects of institutional entropy, using historical surveys, institutional analysis, econometric investigations, empirical reviews, and more. Policy-rich, cross-disciplinary, and transnational papers, including case studies, are welcome.
Submit your paper online
Please prepare your paper in accordance with the guidelines posted at under “Instructions for Authors.” Inquiries may be directed to the Editor-in-Chief at:
Deadline: 15th January, 2019
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