Wednesday, August 3, 2016

2017 EAAE in Parma, Italy: Call for Contributions

Agri-food systems in Europe and elsewhere often face conflicting incentives and signals arising from markets and society, and need to make trade-offs. Sustainability advocacy groups are putting societal concerns like animal welfare, food safety, cultural heritage, food sovereignty, and carbon footprint on the agenda of policy makers and stakeholders in the food value chain. However, there are many challenges to overcome, especially when more sustainable food systems face conflicting goals, and households’ purchasing decisions are mainly price driven.
Policy makers, therefore, face increasing challenges in balancing these concerns. The nature of challenges has changed over time with new technologies becoming available, with the ongoing innovation and transition to the bio-based economy, with an increasing share of the population living in urban areas, and with many markets becoming global. Some of these changes are subtle as borders between rural and urban areas are gradually disappearing, and cities are integrating agricultural activities within their boundaries.
The European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) scientific community is key to providing insights into the economic challenges and opportunities arising from the changing expectations and requirements from markets and society on agriculture. The XV EAAE Congress aims to foster discussion and interaction among scholars with representatives from business, society and policy agencies.

The EAAE board has appointed the Program Committee to organize the scientific program of the Congress. The Local Organizing Committee and the Program Committee are striving to arrange a very stimulating and innovative Congress program consisting of organized sessions, organized panels, invited plenary presentations, contributed papers, and posters as well as field trips.

In particular, policy makers, societal stakeholders, and agribusiness representatives shall contribute to the program through organized panels which have an open format and do not require a scientific paperOrganized panels could be thought of a sort of “round table” discussion, moderated by an “external” figure to the presenting/debating panelists, which may also feature one or two presentations by academics. A formal scientific paper is not required to encourage the participation by NGOs, producer/industry groups representatives, or any other stakeholder who may not be accustomed to submitting a formal paper. A four person panel, in which academia, industry, NGO/stakeholder/societal groups and policy representatives are present and deliver their presentation/speech for 15 minutes each, may be the best format. The remaining 30 minutes could be employed for discussion – solicited by the moderator – or for answering questions from the audience. In order to facilitate stakeholder participation to the organized panels daily participation fees will be foreseen, in case a one day presence is anticipated. Hopefully, the XV EAAE Congress in Parma will provide an interactive platform for researchers and representatives from non-academic institutions.

Call for papers, organized sessions, and posters

Contributed papers and posters as well as organized sessions are welcomed from all fields of agricultural, food, environmental and rural economics, and related disciplines.
The deadlines for submission are:
  • Contributed papers: January 31, 2017
  • Organized sessions: March 15, 2017
  • Organized panels: March 15, 2017
  • Posters: April 1, 2017
Notification of acceptance:
  • Contributed papers: April 14,  2017
  • Organized sessions: April 21, 2017
  • Organized panels: April 21, 2017
  • Posters: April 21, 2017
Final versions of contributed papers and posters due: June 5, 2017.
Meanwhile, you can also Stay in Touch with the organization on the Social Media referenced throughout the website or via the Newsletter
Any help in spreading the word about the Call for Contribution and the Congress Social Media presence will be greatly appreciated!

Contribution Submission and Registration

Contribution submission and registration will be managed through ConfTool Pro, via the Congress website, or – directly – at
Conference registration (at a later date) will be possible only by participants with a valid EAAE membership. Please note that this condition will be strictly enforced!
To learn more about the benefits of and conditions for becoming an EAAE Member, please visit the Association page.

The early opening of a ConfTool Pro account, besides the Congress Social Media and Newsletter, will guarantee you are up to date with any further detail on deadlines and the Congress itself.
The flyer containing the Call for Contributions, Deadlines for Submission and other pieces of information related to the XV EAAE Congress is available for you to download and share here:

We look forward to seeing you in Parma in August 2017!

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