Friday, August 12, 2016

2016 AAEA Annual Award Winners

Thank you to the Awards Committee Chair, Jaclyn Kropp of the University of Florida, and Board Liaison, Hayley Chouinard of Washington State University, Bidisha Mandal of Washington State University, and all who graciously volunteered their time and efforts to serve on an AAEA Award Committee!
Class of 2016 Fellows
  • Klaus W. Deininger, World Bank
  • Jikun Huang, Peking University
  • Madhu Khanna, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • John A. Miranowski, Iowa State University
  • JunJie Wu, Oregon State University

Undergraduate Student Section Awards

  • Academic Bowl
    • First Place: University of Kentucky
      • Daniella Straathof
      • Erica Rogers
      • April Winebarger
    • Second Place: Clemson University
      • Jonathan Lawing
      • Cody White
      • McCauley Frierson
    • Third Place: Iowa State University
      • Kyle Bates
      • Nate Christenson
      • Drew Mogler
  • Outstanding Paper Competition
    • First Place: Jason Xiao, Purdue University
    • Second Place: Meaghan Shaughnessy, Clemson University
    • Third Place: Youwei Yang, Kansas State University
  • Outstanding Chapter Award
    • Clemson University
      • Advisor: Michael Vassaloss
  • Creative Club Award
    • Iowa State University
      • Advisor: Georgeanne Artz

Graduate Student Section Awards

  • Graduate Student Case Study Competition
    • First Place: Oklahoma State Orange, advised by Chan Jin Chung
      • Kelsey Conley
      • Jacob Manlove
      • Bart Niyibizi
    • Second Place: Kansas State, advised by Aleksan Shanoyan
      • Pacem Kotchofa
      • Bowen Chen
      • Ralph Armah
    • Third Place: GA-Purdue, advised by Cesar Escalante
      • Luis Moisés Peña-Lévano, Purdue University
      • Grace Rocio Mélo, University of Georgia
  • Graduate Student Extension Competition
    • First Place: Savanna Lyons, Iowa State University, mentored by Georgeanne Artz and Keri Jacobs
    • Second Place: Anders Van Sandt, Colorado State University, mentored by Dawn Thilmany
    • Third Place: Luis Moisés Peña-Lévano, Purdue University, mentored by Cesar Escalante
    • Finalists:
      • Patrick Kanza, Oklahoma State University
      • Abdelaziz Lawani, University of Kentucky
      • Jacob Manlove, Oklahoma State University
      • Christopher Sims, University of Arkansas
      • Jin Yi, Texas A&M University

Outstanding Master’s Thesis Award

  • Rachel Bernstein, University of California, Davis
    “In Pursuit of the Transformational Sum: Lottery and Savings in Haiti”
Honorable Mention
  • Awa Sanou, Michigan State University
    “Technology Adoption when Risk Attitudes Matter: Evidence from Incentivized Field Experiments in Niger”

Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation

  • Casey Wichman, University of Maryland
    “Information and Environmental Policy”
  • Matthew Clancy, Iowa State University
    “Combinatorial Innovation, Evidence from Patent Data, and Mandated”(Correction from the 8/8/16 Exchange)

Distinguished Teaching Awards

  • Less than Ten Years’ Experience
    • Jason Bergtold, Kansas State University
  • Undergraduate Teaching: Ten or More Years’ Experience
    • Andrew Barkley, Kansas State University
  • Graduate Teaching: Ten or More Years’ Experience
    • Philip Garcia, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Distinguished Extension/Outreach Program Awards

  • Individual: Less than Ten Years’ Experience
    • Rebekka Dudensing, Texas A&M University
  • Individual: Ten or More Years’ Experience
    • Joe Outlaw, Texas A&M University
  • Group
    • Farm Policy Decision Aid”
      Joe Outlaw, Texas A&M University; Henry Bryant, Texas A&M University; Brian Herbst, Texas A&M University; George Knapek, Texas A&M University; Marc Raulston, Texas A&M University; James Richardson, Texas A&M University; Craig Wellington; Texas A&M University; Scott Gerlt, University of Missouri; Patrick Westhoff, University of Missouri; Peter Zimmel, University of Missouri; Mark Althouse, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Ryan Batts, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Jonathan Coppess, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Stu Ellis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Andrew Goers, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Scott Irwin, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Nick Paulson, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Gary Schnitkey, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Bruce Sherrick, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; J. Roy Black, Michigan State University; John Clendaniel, Delaware State University; Albert Essel, Delaware State University; Carl Zulauf, The Ohio State University

Bruce Gardner Memorial Prize for Applied Policy Analysis

  • “Benefit-Cost Analysis of the Yakima Basin Integrated Plan Projects”
Jonathan Yoder, Washington State University, the State of Washington Water Research Center; Jennifer Adam, Washington State University; Michael Brady, Washington State University; Joseph Cook, University of Washington; Stephen Katz, Washington State University; Daniel Brent, Louisiana State University; Shane Johnston, University of Washington; Keyvan Malek, Washington State University; John McMillan, McMillan Biological Consulting and Media; Qingqing Yang, Washington State University

Quality of Communication Award

  • Andrew Barkley, Kansas State University; Paul Barkley, Oregon State University
"Depolarizing Food and Agriculture: An Economic Approach”
  • Bryan Lohmar, U.S. Grains Council; David Ortega, Michigan State University; Maolong Chen, Michigan State University; Fred Gale, USDA-Economic Research Service; Elizabeth Gooch, USDA-Economic Research Service
“Themed symposium: China as the Leading U.S. Agricultural Export Market”
Honorable Mention
  • Sarah Low, USDA-Economic Research Service; Nigel Key, USDA-Economic Research Service; Steve Martinez, USDA-Economic Research Service; Alex Melton, USDA-Economic Research Service; Agnes Perez, USDA-Economic Research Service; Katherine Ralston, USDA-Economic Research Service; Hayden Stewart, USDA-Economic Research Service; Stephan Vogel, USDA-Economic Research Service; Becca B.R. Jablonski, Colorado State University; Aaron Adalja, University of Maryland; Elizabeth Beaulieu, USDA-Economic Research Service; Shellye Suttles, USDA-Economic Research Service
“Trends in U.S. Local and Regional Food Systems”
  • Jayson Beckman, USDA-Economic Research Service; Shawn Arita, USDA-Economic Research Service; Lorraine Mitchell, USDA-Economic Research Service; Mary E. Burfisher, USDA Contractor
“Agriculture in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: Tariffs, Tariff-Rate Quotas, and Non-Tariff Measures”

Quality of Research Discovery Award

  • Philip Garcia, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Scott Irwin, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Aaron Smith, University of California, Davis
“Future Market Failure?”

Publication of Enduring Quality Award

  • Thomas Hertel, Purdue University
"Global Trade Analysis: Modeling and Applications"

Outstanding American Journal of Agricultural Economics Article Award

  • Pierre Courtois, INRA; Julie Subervie, INRA
“Farmer Bargaining Power and Market Information Services”, AJAE. 97.3 (2015): 953-977
Honorable Mention
  • Timothy Beatty, University of California, Davis; Charlotte Tuttle, USDA-Economic Research Service
“Expenditure Response to Increases in In-kind Transfers: Evidence from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program”, AJAE. 97.2 (2015): 390-404

Outstanding Applied Economic Perspectives & Policy Article Award

  • Jeremy G. Weber, USDA-Economic Research Service, University of Pittsburgh; Conor Wall, Oregon State; Jason Brown, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City; Tom Hertz, USDA-Economic Research Service
“Crop Prices, Agricultural Revenues, and the Rural Economy”, AEPP. 37.3 (2015): 459-476      

Outstanding Choices Article

  • Olga Liefert, USDA-Economic Research Service; William M. Liefert; USDA-Economic Research Service
    “Russia's Economic Crisis and its Agricultural and Food Economy” Choices (2015) 30 (1st Quarter)
Honorable Mention
  • Aude Teillant, Princeton University; Ramanan Laxminarayan, Center for Disease Dynamics, Economics and Policy, Princeton University
“Economics of Antibiotic Use in U.S. Swine and Poultry Production”, Choices (2015) 30 (1st Quarter)
  • Zhengfei Guan, University of Florida; Feng Wu, University of Florida; Fritz Roka, University of Florida; Alicia Whidden, University of Florida
“Agricultural Labor and Immigration Reform”, Choices (2015) 30 (4th Quarter)
Presidential Recognition Award for Special Service to the Association
  • Caron Gala, The Council on Food, Agriculture, and Resource Economics

AAEA Trust Sponsored Awards

Anthony Grano Scholarship
  • Jason Holderiath, Colorado State University
  • Candice Wilson, Kansas State University
Sylvia Lane Mentor Fellowship
  • Moriah Bostian, Lewis and Clark College
Uma Lele Mentor Fellowship
  • Ope Ayinde, University of Ilorin
Chester O. McCorkle Jr. Student Scholarship
  • Jongwook Lee, University of Minnesota
  • Chinoso Etumnu, University of San Francisco
AARES-AAEA Young Professional Exchange Program
  • Heading North Award
    • Zachary Dorner, Monash University
  • Heading South Award
    • Kevin Novan, University of California, Davis

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