Based on
last year’s allocation, we expect to have five track sessions and the
option of up to five additional co-sponsored sessions (with other AAEA
sections) for a total of 10 track sessions.
We therefore welcome proposals that identify other sections that could
co-sponsor the session.
to the AAEA guidelines, track sessions with presentations must fit one of the
following formats:
Four presentations with no discussants or panelists
Three presentations with a maximum of one discussant
Two presentations with a maximum of two discussants or
In sessions without presentations, a maximum of five
participants may be included as panelists
proposals fitting this format will be considered, but we have a preference for
the first or second options.
You may
check out the program of the previous years for ideas of track sessions (seehttp://www.aaea.org/membership/sections/fsn/section-activities). If
you have questions or need help identifying potential collaborators and/or
collaborating sections, feel free to email Michele Belot, FSN section chair
elect (michele.belot@ed.ac.uk) or
Christiane Schroeter, FSN section chair (cschroet@calpoly.edu).
Please note
that all presenters need to be current FSN members to be eligible to present in
a track session from the FSN section.
We would like to receive as much information as possible about your proposed session (theme, presenters, moderator).
We would like to receive as much information as possible about your proposed session (theme, presenters, moderator).
submit your proposed track session ideas by emailing michele.belot@ed.ac.uk by
6 PM PST, Tuesday, November 10th.
great blog! followed