Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Call for Applications: Anthony Grano Scholarship Award

The AAEA Trust is now accepting applications for the Anthony Grano Scholarship Award. Two scholarships of $1,500 will be awarded to academically successful, highly motivated students in agricultural economics or a closely related discipline with an interest in agricultural policy and the policy formation process. The scholarship will support recipients to travel to Washington, DC to meet with senior staff from USDA, Congressional offices, and agricultural trade associations and commodity organizations.

Eligible applicants will be graduate students in either agricultural economics or economics with an agricultural emphasis in any U.S. university.

The application deadline is October 12, 2015. The award winners will be announced by October 31, 2015.

To apply, please submit the following:
  • Cover letter that expresses interest and includes applicant contact information
  • Essay on a current agricultural policy issue (2-5 pages)
  • Recent CV
  • A copy of university transcripts
  • Letter of recommendation from department head. Department Head must be willing to match the funds if their nominee is selected

Applications should be submitted in a single space, 12 Font Size, 1” margins, and PDF format to Brian Mondragón Jones, AAEA Executive Director, at

Learn more about the Anthony Grano Fellowship on the AAEA website: 
or see the call for applications on:

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