Wednesday, September 10, 2014

AAEA Trust Call for Proposals

The AAEA Trust Committee and Executive Board are seeking proposals for programs or projects that:
  • Support development of graduate students and early career professionals
  • Deepen participation in AAEA or reach out to new groups
  • Enhance the AAEA Annual Meeting
Funds donated to the unrestricted and student and early career professional development categories of the AAEA Trust will be used to fund proposals approved by the AAEA Trust Committee and Executive Board. Proposals from AAEA Committees and Sections are encouraged. Please note that the Trust does not fund individual research projects, nor does it retroactively fund activities that have already taken place. Please contact Trust Committee Chair Julie Caswell at if you would like to discuss your proposal ideas before submission.
Proposal submissions should include:
  1. A cover sheet with name of applicant; applicant’s mailing address, e-mail, and phone number; title of the project; abstract of the project; timing, duration, and location of the project; and amount of funding requested.
  2. A project description, not to exceed five double-spaced pages, including the purpose, scope, implementation procedures, the individuals responsible for management of the project, date/timing of the project, and location of the project.
  3. An itemized budget, indicating costs to be borne by the Trust and funding provided by other sources, if any. The AAEA Business Office may be a resource for budget information.
Proposals should be submitted as a single PDF file by Monday, October 6, 2014, to ensure consideration for funding for the next year. Proposals will be reviewed by the AAEA Trust Committee, which will make recommendations to the Executive Board for action at the January 2015 Board Meeting.
Proposals should be submitted to Brian Mondragón Jones, AAEA Executive Director, via e-mail at If you have any questions, please contact Brian or Julie.

Special Purpose Funds: Call for Applications

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