Senior Research Economist
USDA-Economic Research Service
AAEA Activities:
Andrew Muhammad is a Senior Research Economist in the International Demand and Trade Branch, Market and Trade Economics Division of the Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. He joined ERS in 2010. From 2000 to 2006, he was an Assistant and Associate Professor in the College of Business at Southern University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and from 2006-2009, he was an Assistant and Associate professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics at Mississippi State University.
Muhammad has written over 30 journal articles in demand analysis, international trade and policy, and applied time series analysis. His current work focuses on global demand for food and agriculture, impacts of trade on developing countries, and the effects of trade policy and liberalization on import demand and exporters. Muhammad currently leads the global demand project for ERS where the primary outputs are income and price elasticities of demand for broad consumption and food categories across 144 countries. Estimates have been widely used in economic models such as USDA’s Baseline model, the GTAP model, and the International Food Policy research Institute’s IMPACT model. For those interested in the final report, see "International Evidence on Food Consumption Patterns: An Update Using 2005 International Comparison Program Data" (ERS Technical Bulletin 1929, March 2011).
Muhammad is particularly interested in the factors that cause source-based biases in international trade. While past studies have appealed to Armington to explain this phenomenon in that the source diversification of imports is often attributed to product characteristics differing across exporting countries, source-based biases still occurs even when source differentiation is minimal or nonexistent. His most recent work examines how one such factor (foreign/import price risk) can lead to source-allocating behavior even when imports are homogeneous (forthcoming in the AJAE). Other more recent works include: the effects of the U.S. cotton program on competing exporters, how export taxes in Argentina affect soybean demand in China, and the effects of country of origin on U.S. salmon preferences.
Andrew received a PhD in Food and Resource Economics in 2000 from the University of Florida. His dissertation won the Food Distribution Research Society Outstanding PhD Dissertation Award and the Food and Resource Economics Department Outstanding PhD Dissertation Award. He also received an MS in Agricultural Economics from the University of Missouri in 1996, and a BS in Agribusiness from Southern University in 1993.
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