Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Webinar on Helping Applied Economists Secure AFRI Funding

C-FARE and NAAEA are presenting a webinar focused on helping applied economists secure AFRI funding from USDA-NIFA. The webinar, titled "Applied Economic Profession in a New Era of Competitive Grants - A Review of How to be Successful as a Multi-Disciplinary Scientist," will take place on Wednesday, March 31, 2:30–4:00 pm EDT. According to its description, the goal of this webinar is "to provide a forum for strategic positioning of applied economists in a new era of grants by providing insight focusing on how to be the lead PI or a member of multi-disciplinary projects."  You can find the full description of the event after the jump.

If you are interested in registering for the webinar, you can RSVP by e-mailing info@cfare.org. The full description is included below:

Applied Economic Profession in a New Era of Competitive Grants - A Review of How to be Successful as a Multi-Disciplinary Scientist

As Dr. Roger Beachy, USDA NIFA Director, outlined on March 23rd, the new AFRI funding will be increasingly oriented towards fewer, larger, and longer term interdisciplinary projects addressing societal challenge areas. Agricultural economists are being encouraged to participate and lead multidisciplinary teams in these programs. Because of changes in funding mechanisms this is a critical time for agricultural and applied economists. We are encouraging you to participate in a webinar on March 31st that can help define your success in research, education and extension.

Goal of the webinar - to provide a forum for strategic positioning of applied economists in a new era of grants by providing insight focusing on how to be the lead PI or a member of multi-disciplinary projects.

Date and Time - Wednesday, March 31 from 2:30-4:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time.

  • Introduction from moderator – 10 minutes;
  • Overview of NIFA and the new AFRI: Deborah Sheely, Deputy Administrator, Competitive Programs, USDA NIFA (15 minutes);
  • How to position yourself in a Leadership Role on a Multi-Disciplinary Grant – (15 minutes): Elena Irwin, Associate Professor, The Ohio State University;
  • Becoming a Team Player in a Multi-Disciplinary Grant – 20 minutes (15 minutes) – Lisa House, Professor and Director, Florida Agricultural Market Research Center, University of Florida;
  • Open Questions and Discussion – 15 minutes;
  • Conclusion from moderator – 10 minutes.
Presented by C-FARE and NAAEA. To register, please RSVP by March 29 to info@cfare.org.

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