Monday, July 22, 2024

Members in the News: July 22, 2024

Steven Deller, University of Wisconsin-Madison

  • State Income Inequality on the Rise, Though Slower Than the National Level
    By: WisBusiness or Wispolitics – July 15, 2024
  • Republicans Want to Seize On Wisconsin Voters’ Gloomy Views of Economy
    By: Bloomberg – July 15, 2024

Amitrajeet Batabyal, Rochester Institute of Technology

Lagging Regions in the U.S. Are Rebounding but We Don’t Really Know Why

By: Rochester Business Journal – July 17, 2024

Some economists spend a lot of time studying so-called leading and lagging regions. In the U.S., regional economic disparities give rise to distinct sets of leading and lagging regions, each with its own characteristics. Leading regions typically encompass metropolitan areas like New York, San Francisco and Boston, marked by robust economies driven by finance, technology and innovation. These regions attract top talent, and they also create a “magnet eff ect” for businesses and individuals seeking economic prosperity.”

Read more on: Rochester Business Journal

Scott Kaplan, United States Naval Academy

RFA: Study Shows That Allowing E15 Fuel Blend Could Save California Drivers $2.7 Billion at the Pump Annually

By: PR Newswire – July 17, 2024

"Consumers have the potential to gain significantly from the introduction and purchase of E15," according to the study. "In particular, our estimates suggest an approximately 20 cents per gallon discount for E15 compared with E10 after adjusting for energy content. In California, price savings for lower GHG intensity fuels are larger, likely due to California-specific policies incentivizing low carbon fuels”

Read more on: PR Newswire

David  Ortega, Michigan State University
Joseph Balagtas, Purdue University

Politifact FL: Fact-checking Donald Trump on Immigration, Economy After Doral Rally

By: WUFT – July 12, 2024

"High grain prices during that time made it more costly to raise hogs. All of this contributed to increased prices for pork products, and other foods."

"The story of 2021 was a big bounceback in food service activity, from more people eating in restaurants. This caught packers of pork, beef and chicken off guard after the COVID-19-related restaurant closures of 2020."

Read more on: WUFT

Edward Jaenicke, Pennsylvania State University

Americans Ate Healthier and More Diverse Foods During COVID-19 Lockdowns

By: News Medical – July 15, 2024

"At first, the most impactful events we could study using actual, real-world data were hurricanes and other natural disasters. But then, along came the COVID-19 pandemic, and we realized that this event was an opportunity to study the closest thing we had to a true global catastrophe."

Read more on: News Medical or Health News

Lee Schulz, Iowa State University

In the Wake of Pork Plant Closures, Some Producers Take on Extra Costs

By: Iowa Public Radio – July 17, 2024

“Transportation costs are often part of the formula used in marketing contracts between producers and pork packers. However, they may not get updated right away. Those formulas are renegotiated on occasion. So it could be, you know, they could be annual, they could be three to five years.”

Read more on: Iowa Public Radio

Scott Swinton, Michigan State University

Insecticide Is the Main Driver of Midwest Butterfly Decline

By: Good Men Project – July 22, 2024  

“What drives butterfly decline is a hard nut to crack, due to rapid changes in chemical and genetic technologies alongside changes in climate and butterfly habitat. Our team was able to link 17 years of farm-level data on crops and inputs with detailed county-level data on butterfly abundance by species. This research is the first to evaluate the long-term effects on butterflies of herbicides, sprayed insecticides, and systemic insecticides, while controlling for climate and land use change.”

Read more on: Good Men Project

Monday, July 15, 2024

Members in the News: July 15, 2024

 David Ortega, Michigan State University

Many Americans Are Still Experiencing Sticker Shock at the Supermarket

By: NPR – July 10, 2024

“What consumers are reacting and feeling is the cumulative effect of inflation. Another factor is that unlike other prices, we see and experience food prices on a weekly, if not more frequent, basis because we buy food more often than we get a haircut or book a vacation or buy a car.”

Read more on: NPR

Charlotte Ambrozek, University of Minnesota

Why Does Buying Groceries Feel So painful?

By: MPR News – July 4, 2024

“Charlotte Ambrozek is an applied microeconomist who focuses on food insecurity. She is an assistant professor in the Department of Applied Economics at the University of Minnesota’s College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences.”

Read more on: MPR

Christopher Wolf, Cornell University

Dairy Signal: Employee Engagement, Federal Milk Marketing Order, Market Update

By: Morning Ag Clips – July 7, 2024

“Bring your questions about the newly released Federal Milk Marketing Order recommendations to this session with some of the leading minds in dairy economics. In the first of two sessions, hear about the proposed changes, what was not changed, and the next steps in moving to a producer vote on these changes later in 2024. The second session of two sessions will be held Weds.”

Read more on: Morning Ag Clips

James Mintert, Purdue University

Farmer Sentiment Drifts Lower on Weaker Future Expectations

By: Morning Ag Clips - July 8, 2024

“The impact of rising interest rates on their farm operations has become a bigger concern for producers in recent months. Interest rate risk and high breakeven levels combined with concerns that crop and livestock prices could weaken are holding back producer sentiment and making producers cautious about making large investments.”

Read more on: Morning Ag Clips

Benjamin Brown, University of Missouri

Meet the Ag Economist Shaping Farming’s Future

By: Farm Progress - July 9, 2024

“A growing number of Missouri producers wonder if they will be able to continue their operations given changes in consumers, input suppliers and other industry factors. That has just been amplified with the growing role of technology, whether that be just the products we use in production agriculture, or whether it’s some of the decision-making software that now exists and the communication channels that exist as well.”

Read more on: Farm Progress

Nicole Olynk Widmar, Purdue University

Purdue Researchers Developing Antibiotic-Free Treatment For Avian E.coli

By: Meat + Poultry – July 9, 2024

“Prototypes for the project were developed for use in Pakistan and other low- and middle-income countries, but the teams have much wider applications.”

Read more on: Meat + Poultry

Jens Hilscher, University of California, Davis

UC Davis: The Unintended Consequences of Clean Fuel Policies

By: Morning Ag Clips – July 9, 2024

“From 2018 to 2024, food-at-home inflation was 24%, but over the same period, fats and oils inflation was 83%.”

Read more on: Morning Ag Clips

Wendong Zhang, Cornell University

Fears of China-Owned Farmland in Wisconsin And US Are Exaggerated, New Analysis Suggests

By: WPR – July 10, 2024

“Zhang said his recent research found that China and other “adversarial countries” hold zero acres of land in the “Lake Region” of the U.S., a space that includes Wisconsin. His team found that Canada, Denmark and Portugal are the top three holders of Wisconsin’s foreign-held land. The bottom line is, if you’re concerned about significant Chinese holdings of agricultural land in Wisconsin, the evidence seems to say the contrary.”

Read more on: WPR

Joseph Balagtas, Purdue University

Americans are a Little Clueless About Upcoming Farm Bill

By: Seed World – July 11, 2024

“Around one-third of American adults have never heard of the bill, while a similar proportion has heard of the bill but do not know what programs it supports. The farm bill encompasses hundreds of millions of dollars and touches every part of the food system.”

Read more on: Seed World

Thursday, July 11, 2024

USDA Advisory Committee on Minority Farmers to Meet


Save the Date

July 23-25, 2024
Tarrytown, N.Y.

The Advisory Committee on Minority Farmers (ACMF) will meet to consider USDA programs and policies and their impacts on minority farmers. The ACMF will then recommend action-oriented strategies to maximize the participation of minority farmers in USDA programs and services. 


Meeting Pre-Registration:   

The public is invited to attend in person or virtually. Attendees should pre-register for the meeting by July 22, 2024. Please choose the days which you plan to attend in person and/or virtually. Your pre-registration should include your name, organization or interest represented, if you plan to give oral comments, and if you require special accommodations.


Meeting details, including the agenda, will be available on the ACMF web page

For more information, contact RJ Cabrera, Designated Federal Official, at

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation – Minor Research Grants in Mesoeconomics


 Alfred P. Sloan Foundation – Minor Research Grants in Mesoeconomics

The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Summer School at the University of Cambridge will be making 3- 5 small research grants available up to the value of £5,000 to support the development of research in supply chains, production networks and, more broadly, the aggregate consequences of networked interactions. It is envisaged that these funds will support developing research via, among other things, acquiring and accessing data, accessing online survey platforms, and computing services.

To apply for a minor research grant please email, in a pdf file containing no more than one page, details of how these funds could support your research to

Closing date for applications is July 27, 2024
Minor Grants will be awarded early August 2024